Oral sex essentials sampler kit

Oral sex essentials sampler kit

Youll love going down on your man with the Oral Sex Essentials kit from Pipedream by your side. Everything you need to take the job out of giving a blowjob is included: Comfortably Numb Deep Throat Spray, Head Job Oral Sex Lotion, Moist Flavored Lubricant, and BJ Blast Oral Sex Candy. The Comfortably Numb is a desensitizing spray that gently numbs the throat, while the Head Job Oral Sex Lotion is a flavored cream that makes any man lick-ably delicious.



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Youll love going down on your man with the Oral Sex Essentials kit from Pipedream by your side. Everything you need to take the job out of giving a blowjob is included: Comfortably Numb Deep Throat Spray, Head Job Oral Sex Lotion, Moist Flavored Lubricant, and BJ Blast Oral Sex Candy. The Comfortably Numb is a desensitizing spray that gently numbs the throat, while the Head Job Oral Sex Lotion is a flavored cream that makes any man lick-ably delicious.
